[ { "id": "b1e9", "name": "Test matching of source IP", "category": [ "actions", "scapy" ], "plugins": { "requires": [ "nsPlugin", "scapyPlugin" ] }, "setup": [ [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress", 0, 1, 2, 255 ], "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: prio 3 protocol ip flower src_ip flowid 1:1 action ok", "scapy": { "iface": "$DEV0", "count": 1, "packet": "Ether(type=0x800)/IP(src='')/ICMP()" }, "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC -s -j filter ls dev $DEV1 ingress prio 3", "matchJSON": [ { "path": [ 1, "options", "actions", 0, "stats", "packets" ], "value": 1 } ], "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress" ] }, { "id": "e9c4", "name": "Test matching of source IP with wrong count", "category": [ "actions", "scapy" ], "plugins": { "requires": [ "nsPlugin", "scapyPlugin" ] }, "setup": [ [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress", 0, 1, 2, 255 ], "$TC qdisc add dev $DEV1 ingress" ], "cmdUnderTest": "$TC filter add dev $DEV1 parent ffff: prio 3 protocol ip flower src_ip flowid 1:1 action ok", "scapy": { "iface": "$DEV0", "count": 3, "packet": "Ether(type=0x800)/IP(src='')/ICMP()" }, "expExitCode": "0", "verifyCmd": "$TC -s -j filter ls dev $DEV1 parent ffff:", "matchJSON": [ { "path": [ 1, "options", "actions", 0, "stats", "packets" ], "value": 1 } ], "teardown": [ "$TC qdisc del dev $DEV1 ingress" ] } ] |