1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 | /* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #ifndef __NVIF_CLASS_H__ #define __NVIF_CLASS_H__ /* these class numbers are made up by us, and not nvidia-assigned */ #define NVIF_CLASS_CLIENT /* if0000.h */ -0x00000000 #define NVIF_CLASS_CONTROL /* if0001.h */ -0x00000001 #define NVIF_CLASS_PERFMON /* if0002.h */ -0x00000002 #define NVIF_CLASS_PERFDOM /* if0003.h */ -0x00000003 #define NVIF_CLASS_SW_NV04 /* if0004.h */ -0x00000004 #define NVIF_CLASS_SW_NV10 /* if0005.h */ -0x00000005 #define NVIF_CLASS_SW_NV50 /* if0005.h */ -0x00000006 #define NVIF_CLASS_SW_GF100 /* if0005.h */ -0x00000007 #define NVIF_CLASS_MMU /* if0008.h */ 0x80000008 #define NVIF_CLASS_MMU_NV04 /* if0008.h */ 0x80000009 #define NVIF_CLASS_MMU_NV50 /* if0008.h */ 0x80005009 #define NVIF_CLASS_MMU_GF100 /* if0008.h */ 0x80009009 #define NVIF_CLASS_MEM /* if000a.h */ 0x8000000a #define NVIF_CLASS_MEM_NV04 /* if000b.h */ 0x8000000b #define NVIF_CLASS_MEM_NV50 /* if500b.h */ 0x8000500b #define NVIF_CLASS_MEM_GF100 /* if900b.h */ 0x8000900b #define NVIF_CLASS_VMM /* if000c.h */ 0x8000000c #define NVIF_CLASS_VMM_NV04 /* if000d.h */ 0x8000000d #define NVIF_CLASS_VMM_NV50 /* if500d.h */ 0x8000500d #define NVIF_CLASS_VMM_GF100 /* if900d.h */ 0x8000900d #define NVIF_CLASS_VMM_GM200 /* ifb00d.h */ 0x8000b00d #define NVIF_CLASS_VMM_GP100 /* ifc00d.h */ 0x8000c00d /* the below match nvidia-assigned (either in hw, or sw) class numbers */ #define NV_NULL_CLASS 0x00000030 #define NV_DEVICE /* cl0080.h */ 0x00000080 #define NV_DMA_FROM_MEMORY /* cl0002.h */ 0x00000002 #define NV_DMA_TO_MEMORY /* cl0002.h */ 0x00000003 #define NV_DMA_IN_MEMORY /* cl0002.h */ 0x0000003d #define NV50_TWOD 0x0000502d #define FERMI_TWOD_A 0x0000902d #define NV50_MEMORY_TO_MEMORY_FORMAT 0x00005039 #define FERMI_MEMORY_TO_MEMORY_FORMAT_A 0x00009039 #define KEPLER_INLINE_TO_MEMORY_A 0x0000a040 #define KEPLER_INLINE_TO_MEMORY_B 0x0000a140 #define NV04_DISP /* cl0046.h */ 0x00000046 #define VOLTA_USERMODE_A 0x0000c361 #define MAXWELL_FAULT_BUFFER_A /* clb069.h */ 0x0000b069 #define VOLTA_FAULT_BUFFER_A /* clb069.h */ 0x0000c369 #define NV03_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl506b.h */ 0x0000006b #define NV10_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl506b.h */ 0x0000006e #define NV17_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl506b.h */ 0x0000176e #define NV40_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl506b.h */ 0x0000406e #define NV50_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl506e.h */ 0x0000506e #define G82_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl826e.h */ 0x0000826e #define NV50_CHANNEL_GPFIFO /* cl506f.h */ 0x0000506f #define G82_CHANNEL_GPFIFO /* cl826f.h */ 0x0000826f #define FERMI_CHANNEL_GPFIFO /* cl906f.h */ 0x0000906f #define KEPLER_CHANNEL_GPFIFO_A /* cla06f.h */ 0x0000a06f #define KEPLER_CHANNEL_GPFIFO_B /* cla06f.h */ 0x0000a16f #define MAXWELL_CHANNEL_GPFIFO_A /* cla06f.h */ 0x0000b06f #define PASCAL_CHANNEL_GPFIFO_A /* cla06f.h */ 0x0000c06f #define VOLTA_CHANNEL_GPFIFO_A /* clc36f.h */ 0x0000c36f #define TURING_CHANNEL_GPFIFO_A /* clc36f.h */ 0x0000c46f #define NV50_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00005070 #define G82_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00008270 #define GT200_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00008370 #define GT214_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00008570 #define GT206_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00008870 #define GF110_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00009070 #define GK104_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00009170 #define GK110_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00009270 #define GM107_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00009470 #define GM200_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00009570 #define GP100_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00009770 #define GP102_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x00009870 #define GV100_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x0000c370 #define TU102_DISP /* cl5070.h */ 0x0000c570 #define GV100_DISP_CAPS 0x0000c373 #define NV31_MPEG 0x00003174 #define G82_MPEG 0x00008274 #define NV74_VP2 0x00007476 #define NV50_DISP_CURSOR /* cl507a.h */ 0x0000507a #define G82_DISP_CURSOR /* cl507a.h */ 0x0000827a #define GT214_DISP_CURSOR /* cl507a.h */ 0x0000857a #define GF110_DISP_CURSOR /* cl507a.h */ 0x0000907a #define GK104_DISP_CURSOR /* cl507a.h */ 0x0000917a #define GV100_DISP_CURSOR /* cl507a.h */ 0x0000c37a #define TU102_DISP_CURSOR /* cl507a.h */ 0x0000c57a #define NV50_DISP_OVERLAY /* cl507b.h */ 0x0000507b #define G82_DISP_OVERLAY /* cl507b.h */ 0x0000827b #define GT214_DISP_OVERLAY /* cl507b.h */ 0x0000857b #define GF110_DISP_OVERLAY /* cl507b.h */ 0x0000907b #define GK104_DISP_OVERLAY /* cl507b.h */ 0x0000917b #define GV100_DISP_WINDOW_IMM_CHANNEL_DMA /* clc37b.h */ 0x0000c37b #define TU102_DISP_WINDOW_IMM_CHANNEL_DMA /* clc37b.h */ 0x0000c57b #define NV50_DISP_BASE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507c.h */ 0x0000507c #define G82_DISP_BASE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507c.h */ 0x0000827c #define GT200_DISP_BASE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507c.h */ 0x0000837c #define GT214_DISP_BASE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507c.h */ 0x0000857c #define GF110_DISP_BASE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507c.h */ 0x0000907c #define GK104_DISP_BASE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507c.h */ 0x0000917c #define GK110_DISP_BASE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507c.h */ 0x0000927c #define NV50_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000507d #define G82_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000827d #define GT200_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000837d #define GT214_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000857d #define GT206_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000887d #define GF110_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000907d #define GK104_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000917d #define GK110_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000927d #define GM107_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000947d #define GM200_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000957d #define GP100_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000977d #define GP102_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000987d #define GV100_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000c37d #define TU102_DISP_CORE_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507d.h */ 0x0000c57d #define NV50_DISP_OVERLAY_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507e.h */ 0x0000507e #define G82_DISP_OVERLAY_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507e.h */ 0x0000827e #define GT200_DISP_OVERLAY_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507e.h */ 0x0000837e #define GT214_DISP_OVERLAY_CHANNEL_DMA /* cl507e.h */ 0x0000857e #define GF110_DISP_OVERLAY_CONTROL_DMA /* cl507e.h */ 0x0000907e #define GK104_DISP_OVERLAY_CONTROL_DMA /* cl507e.h */ 0x0000917e #define GV100_DISP_WINDOW_CHANNEL_DMA /* clc37e.h */ 0x0000c37e #define TU102_DISP_WINDOW_CHANNEL_DMA /* clc37e.h */ 0x0000c57e #define NV50_TESLA 0x00005097 #define G82_TESLA 0x00008297 #define GT200_TESLA 0x00008397 #define GT214_TESLA 0x00008597 #define GT21A_TESLA 0x00008697 #define FERMI_A /* cl9097.h */ 0x00009097 #define FERMI_B /* cl9097.h */ 0x00009197 #define FERMI_C /* cl9097.h */ 0x00009297 #define KEPLER_A /* cl9097.h */ 0x0000a097 #define KEPLER_B /* cl9097.h */ 0x0000a197 #define KEPLER_C /* cl9097.h */ 0x0000a297 #define MAXWELL_A /* cl9097.h */ 0x0000b097 #define MAXWELL_B /* cl9097.h */ 0x0000b197 #define PASCAL_A /* cl9097.h */ 0x0000c097 #define PASCAL_B /* cl9097.h */ 0x0000c197 #define VOLTA_A /* cl9097.h */ 0x0000c397 #define TURING_A /* cl9097.h */ 0x0000c597 #define NV74_BSP 0x000074b0 #define GT212_MSVLD 0x000085b1 #define IGT21A_MSVLD 0x000086b1 #define G98_MSVLD 0x000088b1 #define GF100_MSVLD 0x000090b1 #define GK104_MSVLD 0x000095b1 #define GT212_MSPDEC 0x000085b2 #define G98_MSPDEC 0x000088b2 #define GF100_MSPDEC 0x000090b2 #define GK104_MSPDEC 0x000095b2 #define GT212_MSPPP 0x000085b3 #define G98_MSPPP 0x000088b3 #define GF100_MSPPP 0x000090b3 #define G98_SEC 0x000088b4 #define GT212_DMA 0x000085b5 #define FERMI_DMA 0x000090b5 #define KEPLER_DMA_COPY_A 0x0000a0b5 #define MAXWELL_DMA_COPY_A 0x0000b0b5 #define PASCAL_DMA_COPY_A 0x0000c0b5 #define PASCAL_DMA_COPY_B 0x0000c1b5 #define VOLTA_DMA_COPY_A 0x0000c3b5 #define TURING_DMA_COPY_A 0x0000c5b5 #define FERMI_DECOMPRESS 0x000090b8 #define NV50_COMPUTE 0x000050c0 #define GT214_COMPUTE 0x000085c0 #define FERMI_COMPUTE_A 0x000090c0 #define FERMI_COMPUTE_B 0x000091c0 #define KEPLER_COMPUTE_A 0x0000a0c0 #define KEPLER_COMPUTE_B 0x0000a1c0 #define MAXWELL_COMPUTE_A 0x0000b0c0 #define MAXWELL_COMPUTE_B 0x0000b1c0 #define PASCAL_COMPUTE_A 0x0000c0c0 #define PASCAL_COMPUTE_B 0x0000c1c0 #define VOLTA_COMPUTE_A 0x0000c3c0 #define TURING_COMPUTE_A 0x0000c5c0 #define NV74_CIPHER 0x000074c1 #endif |