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#ifndef CCISS_CMD_H #define CCISS_CMD_H //########################################################################### //DEFINES //########################################################################### #define CISS_VERSION "1.00" //general boundary defintions #define SENSEINFOBYTES 32//note that this value may vary between host implementations #define MAXSGENTRIES 31 #define MAXREPLYQS 256 //Command Status value #define CMD_SUCCESS 0x0000 #define CMD_TARGET_STATUS 0x0001 #define CMD_DATA_UNDERRUN 0x0002 #define CMD_DATA_OVERRUN 0x0003 #define CMD_INVALID 0x0004 #define CMD_PROTOCOL_ERR 0x0005 #define CMD_HARDWARE_ERR 0x0006 #define CMD_CONNECTION_LOST 0x0007 #define CMD_ABORTED 0x0008 #define CMD_ABORT_FAILED 0x0009 #define CMD_UNSOLICITED_ABORT 0x000A #define CMD_TIMEOUT 0x000B #define CMD_UNABORTABLE 0x000C //transfer direction #define XFER_NONE 0x00 #define XFER_WRITE 0x01 #define XFER_READ 0x02 #define XFER_RSVD 0x03 //task attribute #define ATTR_UNTAGGED 0x00 #define ATTR_SIMPLE 0x04 #define ATTR_HEADOFQUEUE 0x05 #define ATTR_ORDERED 0x06 #define ATTR_ACA 0x07 //cdb type #define TYPE_CMD 0x00 #define TYPE_MSG 0x01 //config space register offsets #define CFG_VENDORID 0x00 #define CFG_DEVICEID 0x02 #define CFG_I2OBAR 0x10 #define CFG_MEM1BAR 0x14 //i2o space register offsets #define I2O_IBDB_SET 0x20 #define I2O_IBDB_CLEAR 0x70 #define I2O_INT_STATUS 0x30 #define I2O_INT_MASK 0x34 #define I2O_IBPOST_Q 0x40 #define I2O_OBPOST_Q 0x44 //Configuration Table #define CFGTBL_ChangeReq 0x00000001l #define CFGTBL_AccCmds 0x00000001l #define CFGTBL_Trans_Simple 0x00000002l #define CFGTBL_BusType_Ultra2 0x00000001l #define CFGTBL_BusType_Ultra3 0x00000002l #define CFGTBL_BusType_Fibre1G 0x00000100l #define CFGTBL_BusType_Fibre2G 0x00000200l typedef struct _vals32 { __u32 lower; __u32 upper; } vals32; typedef union _u64bit { vals32 val32; __u64 val; } u64bit; // Type defs used in the following structs #define BYTE __u8 #define WORD __u16 #define HWORD __u16 #define DWORD __u32 #define QWORD vals32 //########################################################################### //STRUCTURES //########################################################################### #define CISS_MAX_LUN 16 // SCSI-3 Cmmands #pragma pack(1) #define CISS_INQUIRY 0x12 //Date returned typedef struct _InquiryData_struct { BYTE data_byte[36]; } InquiryData_struct; #define CISS_REPORT_LOG 0xc2 /* Report Logical LUNs */ // Data returned typedef struct _ReportLUNdata_struct { BYTE LUNListLength[4]; DWORD reserved; BYTE LUN[CISS_MAX_LUN][8]; } ReportLunData_struct; #define CCISS_READ_CAPACITY 0x25 /* Read Capacity */ typedef struct _ReadCapdata_struct { BYTE total_size[4]; // Total size in blocks BYTE block_size[4]; // Size of blocks in bytes } ReadCapdata_struct; // 12 byte commands not implemented in firmware yet. // #define CCISS_READ 0xa8 // Read(12) // #define CCISS_WRITE 0xaa // Write(12) #define CCISS_READ 0x28 // Read(10) #define CCISS_WRITE 0x2a // Write(10) //Command List Structure typedef union _SCSI3Addr_struct { struct { BYTE Dev; BYTE Bus:6; BYTE Mode:2; // b00 } PeripDev; struct { BYTE DevLSB; BYTE DevMSB:6; BYTE Mode:2; // b01 } LogDev; struct { BYTE Dev:5; BYTE Bus:3; BYTE Targ:6; BYTE Mode:2; // b10 } LogUnit; } SCSI3Addr_struct; typedef struct _PhysDevAddr_struct { DWORD TargetId:24; DWORD Bus:6; DWORD Mode:2; SCSI3Addr_struct Target[2]; //2 level target device addr } PhysDevAddr_struct; typedef struct _LogDevAddr_struct { DWORD VolId:30; DWORD Mode:2; BYTE reserved[4]; } LogDevAddr_struct; typedef union _LUNAddr_struct { BYTE LunAddrBytes[8]; SCSI3Addr_struct SCSI3Lun[4]; PhysDevAddr_struct PhysDev; LogDevAddr_struct LogDev; } LUNAddr_struct; typedef struct _CommandListHeader_struct { BYTE ReplyQueue; BYTE SGList; HWORD SGTotal; QWORD Tag; LUNAddr_struct LUN; } CommandListHeader_struct; typedef struct _RequestBlock_struct { BYTE CDBLen; struct { BYTE Type:3; BYTE Attribute:3; BYTE Direction:2; } Type; HWORD Timeout; BYTE CDB[16]; } RequestBlock_struct; typedef struct _ErrDescriptor_struct { QWORD Addr; DWORD Len; } ErrDescriptor_struct; typedef struct _SGDescriptor_struct { QWORD Addr; DWORD Len; DWORD Ext; } SGDescriptor_struct; typedef union _MoreErrInfo_struct{ struct { BYTE Reserved[3]; BYTE Type; DWORD ErrorInfo; }Common_Info; struct{ BYTE Reserved[2]; BYTE offense_size;//size of offending entry BYTE offense_num; //byte # of offense 0-base DWORD offense_value; }Invalid_Cmd; }MoreErrInfo_struct; typedef struct _ErrorInfo_struct { BYTE ScsiStatus; BYTE SenseLen; HWORD CommandStatus; DWORD ResidualCnt; MoreErrInfo_struct MoreErrInfo; BYTE SenseInfo[SENSEINFOBYTES]; } ErrorInfo_struct; /* Command types */ #define CMD_RWREQ 0x00 #define CMD_IOCTL_PEND 0x01 #define CMD_IOCTL_DONE 0x02 typedef struct _CommandList_struct { CommandListHeader_struct Header; RequestBlock_struct Request; ErrDescriptor_struct ErrDesc; SGDescriptor_struct SG[MAXSGENTRIES]; /* information associated with the command */ __u32 busaddr; /* physical address of this record */ ErrorInfo_struct * err_info; /* pointer to the allocated mem */ int ctlr; int cmd_type; struct _CommandList_struct *prev; struct _CommandList_struct *next; struct buffer_head * bh; } CommandList_struct; //Configuration Table Structure typedef struct _HostWrite_struct { DWORD TransportRequest; DWORD Reserved; DWORD CoalIntDelay; DWORD CoalIntCount; } HostWrite_struct; typedef struct _CfgTable_struct { BYTE Signature[4]; DWORD SpecValence; DWORD TransportSupport; DWORD TransportActive; HostWrite_struct HostWrite; DWORD CmdsOutMax; DWORD BusTypes; DWORD Reserved; BYTE ServerName[16]; DWORD HeartBeat; } CfgTable_struct; #pragma pack() #endif // CCISS_CMD_H