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X25 support within isdn4linux

This is experimental code and should be used with linux version 2.1.72.
or later. Use it completely at your own risk.

As new versions appear, the stuff described here might suddenly change
or become invalid without notice.

Keep in mind:

You are using an experimental kernel (2.1.x series) with an experimental
x25 protocol implementation and experimental x25-on-top-of-isdn extensions.
Thus, be prepared to face problems related therefrom.

- If you connect to an x25 neighbour not operated by yourself, ASK the
  other side first. Be prepared that bugs in the protocol implementation
  might result in problems (even crashing the peer, however such ugly events
  should only happen if your peer's protocol implementation has serious bugs).

- This implementation has never wiped out my whole hard disk yet. But as
  this is experimental code, don't blame me if that happened to you. Take
  appropriate actions (such as backing up important data) before
  trying this code.

- Monitor your isdn connections while using this software. This should
  prevent you from undesired phone bills in case of driver problems.

How to configure the kernel

The ITU-T (former CCITT) X.25 network protocol layer has been implemented
in the Linux source tree since version 2.1.16. The isdn subsystem might be 
useful to run X.25 on top of ISDN. If you want to try it, select

   "CCITT X.25 Packet Layer"

from the networking options as well as

   "ISDN Support" and "X.25 PLP on Top of ISDN"

from the ISDN subsystem options when you configure your kernel for
compilation. You currently also need to enable
"Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers" from the
"Code maturity level options" menu. For the x25trace utility to work
you also need to enable "Packet socket" (I recommend to choose "y",
not "m" for testing) from the networking options.

For testing you should also select the isdnloop driver from the
isdn subsystem's configuration menu.

What's it for? How to use it?

X25 on top of isdn might be useful with two different scenarios:

- You might want to access a public X.25 data network from your Linux box.
  You can use i4l if you were physically connected to the X.25 switch
  by an ISDN line (leased line as well as dial up connection should work,
  but connecting to x.25 network switches is currently untested. Testing
  needs to be done by somebody with access to such a switch.) 

- Or you might want to operate certain ISDN teleservices on 
  your linux box. A lot of those teleservices run on top of the ISO-8208 
  network layer protocol. ISO-8208 is essentially the same as ITU-T X.25.

  Popular candidates of such teleservices are EUROFILE transfer or any
  teleservice applying ITU-T recommendation T.90 (i.e., AFAIK, G4 Fax).

To use the X.25 protocol on top of isdn, just create an isdn network
interface as usual, configure your own and/or peer's ISDN numbers,
and choose x25iface encapsulation by

   isdnctrl encap <iface-name> x25iface.

Once encap is set like this, the device can be used by the x25 packet layer.

All the stuff needed for x25 is implemented inside the isdn link
level (mainly isdn_net.c and some new source files). Thus, it should
work with every existing HL driver. I was able to successfully open x25
connections on top of the isdnloop driver and the hisax driver.
"x25iface"-encapsulation bypasses demand dialing. Dialing will be
initiated when the upper (x25 packet) layer requests the lapb datalink to
be established. But hangup timeout is still active. The connection
will not automatically be re-established by the isdn_net module
itself when new data arrives after the hangup timeout. But
the x25 network code will re-establish the datalink connection
(resulting in re-dialing and an x25 protocol reset) when new data is
to be transmitted. (This currently does not work properly with the
isdnloop driver, see "known problems" below)

In order to set up a conforming protocol stack you also need to
specify the proper l2_prot parameter:

To operate in ISO-8208  X.25 DTE-DTE mode, use

   isdnctrl l2_prot <iface-name> x75i

To access an X.25 network switch via isdn (your linux box is the DTE), use

   isdnctrl l2_prot <iface-name> x25dte

To mimic an X.25 network switch (DCE side of the connection), use

   isdnctrl l2_prot <iface-name> x25dce

However, x25dte or x25dce is currently not supported by any real HL
level driver. The main difference between x75 and x25dte/dce is that
x25d[tc]e uses fixed lap_b addresses. With x75i, the side which
initiates the isdn connection uses the DTE's lap_b address while the
called side used the DCE's lap_b address. Thus, l2_prot x75i will
probably work if you access a public x25 network as long as the
corresponding isdn connection is set up by you. However, I've never
tested this.

How to use the test installation?

To test x25 on top of isdn, you need to get

- a patched version of the "isdnctrl" program that supports setting the new
  x25 specific parameters.

- the x25-utils-2.1.x package from
  or any mirror site (i.e.

- a kernel patch that enhances isdn4linux to provide x25 network
  interface support. (This file is part of that kernel patch).

- an application that uses linux AF_X25 sockets program. 

Before compiling the user level utilities make sure that the compiler/
preprocessor will fetch the proper (patched) kernel header files. Either make
/usr/include/linux a symbolic link pointing to your developer kernel's
include/linux directory or set the appropriate compiler flags.

It is recommended that all isdn drivers and the x25 PLP protocol 
are compiled as loadable modules. Like this, you can recover
from certain errors by simply unloading and reloading the modules.

When all drivers and interfaces are loaded and configured you need to
ifconfig the network interfaces up and add x25-routes to them. Use
the usual ifconfig tool.

ifconfig <iface-name> up

But a special x25route tool (distributed with the x25-util package)
is needed to set up x25 routes. I.e. 

x25route add 01 <iface-name>

will cause all x.25 connections to the destination x.25-address
"01" to be routed to your created isdn network interface.

There are currently no real x25 applications available. However, for
tests, the x25-utils package contains a modified version of telnet
and telnetd that uses x25 sockets instead of tcp/ip sockets. Use
this for your first tests. Furthermore, there is an x25.echod and a client
named "eftp" (which contains some experimental code to download files
from a remote eft server using the EUROfile transfer protocol).
It available at*

The x25-utility package also contains an x25trace tool that can be
used to monitor x25 packets received by the network interfaces.
The /proc/net/x25* files also contain useful information. 

The eftp4linux test release also contains an "ix25test" script that can
be used for testing x25 on top of isdn4linux. Edit
this script according to your local needs and then call it as

ix25test start

This will set up a sample configuration using the isdnloop and hisax
driver and create some isdn network interfaces.
It is recommended that all other isdn drivers and the
x25 module are unloaded before calling this script.

Known problems and deficiencies:

The isdnloop HL driver apparently has problems to re-establish a
connection that has been hung up from the outgoing device. You have to
unload the isdnloop driver after the faked isdn-connection is closed
and insmod it again. With the Hisax driver, this problem is not present.

Sometimes the x25 module cannot be unloaded (decrementation of its use
count seems to get lost occasionally).

Using the x25 based telnet and telnetd programm to establish connection
from your own to your own computer repeatedly sometimes totally locked
up my system. However, this kernel patch also modifies
net/x25/af_x25.c to include a workaround. With this workaround
enabled, my system is stable. (If you want to disable the
workaround, just undefine ISDN_X25_FIXES in af_x25.c).

The latter problem could be reproduced by using hisax as well as the
isdnloop driver. It seems that it is not caused by the isdn code.
Somehow, the inode of a socket is freed while a process still refers
the socket's wait queue. This causes problems when the process tries to
remove itself from the wait queue (refered by the dangling
sock->sleep pointer) before returning from a select() system call.

- Henner